RJLPP is proud to announce…

The Rutgers Journal of Law and Public Policy was recently cited by the NEW JERSEY SUPREME COURT on page 41 of its opinion in Department of Children & Families v. E.D.-O., __ N.J. __ (2015). We are extremely proud of the hard work of our authors and staff, both past and present.

DEMOCRACY IS NOT FOR SALE: Why courts should adopt the Ninth Circuit interpretation of Buckley v. Valeo that permits the regulation of organizations with “a” major purpose towards political advocacy as political action committees

  I. Introduction             Due to the influx of money in politics following the Supreme Court’s holding in Citizens United, it is imperative that states maintain their ability to properly inform their electorate of who is contributing money to political campaigns.  Barring the passing of a new amendment, restricting monetary expenditures is… continue reading

A Cautionary Tale Showing the Need for a Civil Right to Counsel in Domestic Violence Cases

Sometimes a small decision demonstrates a large principle. That happened in late August when the Appellate Division released their unpublished decision of C.H. v J.S.[1] The case caused enough of a stir for the New Jersey Law Journal to cover it, and for people to add reader comments to the online version.[2] In the C.H. opinion, the Appellate Division vacated… continue reading

Drone Use by Law Enforcement: Economic Considerations

 Justice Scalia once opined, “there is nothing new in the realization that the Constitution sometimes insulates the criminality of a few in order to protect the privacy of us all.”[1]  Society allows some criminal acti­­vity to occur because, in some instances, we value privacy more than we value safety or crime control.  Until recently, Unmanned… continue reading

Apple vs. FBI: The Forgotten Fourth Amendment Argument

This Tuesday, March 22, 2016, Apple will face off with the FBI in a court hearing over the locked iPhone seized after the San Bernardino terrorist attack.  Privacy concerns took center stage in February when Apple challenged a court order compelling Apple to unlock the phone by creating software to bypass a security feature of… continue reading